EDUCATION :- Computer :- HTML TUTORIAL :- Lession 6

Q: How do I adjust the width and height of an image?

You can use the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes of the IMG tag to set the width and height of an image. Example:


What it looks like

<IMG SRC="/fs_img/help/sample.gif" WIDTH="40" HEIGHT="100">


Q: How do I put an animation on my page?

An animated gif image is a standard gif image that has multiple frames saved into one image. This creates an animation. You can place an animated gif on your page by using the image tag and uploading an animated gif.

Q: What image file types do you use for the Internet?

Most images on the Internet are use the GIF or JPEG/JPG file format. You generally do not want to use BMP images, because they are not compressed, so they take up more space on your website and take longer to download.

Q: Why does my image appear so large?

The most probable cause is that you have not specified a height and width attribute to explicitly set your image dimensions to the desired size. You can also open the graphic in a graphic editing program and resize the image.

Q: Where do you get images from to put on your web page?

There are a large number of images archives on the Internet. Check out our clip-art resource page at:

Q: Why aren't my images appearing?

There are several possible reasons why your images my not be appearing. Your browser may be set to not automatically display images. The path to the IMG specified in the SRC attribute may be incorrect. The image may not be in a file format that your browser can interpret.

Q: How do I include a background sound on my page?

Because different browsers handle background sounds in different ways, putting a MIDI or .wav file so it automatically plays as your background sound must use two different HTML tags: EMBED and BGSOUND.

If you want the music to repeat over and over again forever, insert this code in you file:

<EMBED SRC="sourceURL" HIDDEN="true" LOOP="true" AUTOSTART="true">
<BGSOUND SRC="sourceURL" LOOP="-1">

If you want the music to play once and then stop, insert this code in your file

<EMBED SRC="sourceURL" HIDDEN="true" AUTOSTART="true">

Replace sourceURL with the URL of the MIDI or .wav file you want to play. You may want to place the code toward the end of your HTML file so that the rest of the page loads first.

Q: What is a MIDI file?

MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. It is a way of storing music digitally so it can be played back. Unlike the digital storage used for CD's and .wav files, MIDI does not record sound and then digitize it. Instead, MIDI files store the notes, duration, and instruments used so that the music can be recreated on another machine. This makes it a very efficient way to store music, and that means MIDI files can be fairly small.