About Us

"There's stone and then there's BritTrick ST5NE!"

BritTrick Stone is a Charlotte, North Carolina established company with international reach and relationships that has the capability of conducting business anywhere that spans the globe.   

Whether you are looking to exuberate a flair of eye catching elegance to the exterior or interior of a single or multi-story edifice, a mix-use development, or a single family dwelling community, BritTrick Stone is the entity you want to employ to supply you the best in competitive pricing and grade "A" quality natural stone.


BritTrick Stone engages "directly with mines" as a supplier of high quality natural stones such as marble, sandstone, limestone and a variety of other construction and building stones for discerning buyers internationally and domestically. Why take the risk of getting stone that scratches easily, has a short life span, and doesn't posses the quality and beauty you seek at costs that are more than what you should pay? 

If you are a retailer, contractor, designer, architect, or builder of any sort for new home construction, then you should consider an exclusive relationship with BritTrick Stone to provide you top of the line grade "A" stone. Should other grades be of interest please convey that accordingly as we wish to accommodate you with what is desired.

Additionally, BritTrick Stone operates in the mainstream of doing business, however, if one seeks to take advantage of our status as a 100% MBE by caring to be diversity conscious or to receive first tier credit where it may matter or be applicable in your country, we encourage you to take full advantage of this "added value" classification. Otherwise, we look to compete and perform like the next company regardless of our status considering our capabilities are even if not a step above the competition in the delivery of superb quality stone at costs that are typically lower than what you receive. 


Getting the best in quality and a competitive price can be like hitting two birds with one stone, 

BritTrick ST5NE!!!